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PowerISO 4.4

PowerISO – утилита для обработки и сжатия файлов, позволяет создавать, распаковывать, сжимать, редактировать и конвертировать файлы-образы ISO/BIN, и монтировать эти файлы в виртуальный носитель. Самое главное - файлы могу использоваться напрямую без предварительной распаковки.

Main Features:
- Support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA and so on).
Note: DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, ...
- Supports on-the-fly burning.
- Supports UDF image file.
- Create image file from hard disk files or CD/DVD-ROM.
- Edit an existing image file.
- Can edit and burn Audio CD image file.
- Extract files and folders from image file.
- Convert image files between ISO/BIN and other formats.
- Make bootable image file, get boot information from bootable image file.
- Make floppy disk image file.
- Optimize files to save disk space while saving image files.
- Mount image file with internal virtual drive. Even if the image file is saved as DAA format, the virtual drive can handle that format directly.
- Support shell integration, such as context menu, Drag and Drop, clipboard...
- Supports command-line parameters.
- Can open XBOX image file.
- Supports multiple languages
- Supports Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Vista.
New Features:
Supports unicode file name.
Supports UIF file.
Supports Windows Vista.
Supports on-the-fly burning.
Supports Apple DMG file.
Supports multiple languages.
Supports command-line parameters.


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dicity 16/03/09 Просмотров: 2947
balo70 20 декабря 2009, 18:34:04
PowerISO 4.4

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