Proxifier 4.12 + Portable

Proxifier - программа, позволяющая сетевым программам не имеющим возможность работать через прокси сервера обходить это ограничение. С Proxifier вы можете работать с любыми интернет клиентами (браузеры, ftp, ICQ, IRC, Kazaa, Telnet, ssh, видео и аудио, играми, и т.п.) из сети, которая отделена от Интернета файерволом (необходим только один открытый порт). Proxifier поможет обеспечить секретность вашей информации, посылать и получать e-mail через прокси-сервер, или цепь прокси-серверов. Все почтовые клиенты поддерживаются (Outlook, Eudora, Netscape и другие).
- Proxifier can process all outgoing TCP connections.
- Full IPv6 support.
- Tunnel IPv4 connections through IPv6 proxy and vice versa.
Proxy Servers
- SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 4A (hostnames support) with User ID authentication.
- SOCKS 5 with Username/Password authentication.
- HTTPS with Basic and NTLM authentication (explicit and transparent modes).
- HTTP with Basic authentication (HTTP connections only).
- Tested with all major proxy server implementations including Microsoft ISA, Blue Coat, WinGate, Dante, Squid, Apache and others.
- Failover (redundancy list) allows assigning any number of back up proxies. Timeout is configurable.
- Proxy failure is transparent for the client application if redundancy is enabled.
- Each proxy can be assigned a short name (label) that can be conveniently used in other parts of Proxifier.
Proxy Chains
- Arbitrary length.
- Different proxy protocols can be used within the same chain.
- Proxies in the chain can be enabled/disabled.
- Convenient UI that allows chain creation and reordering with drag-and-drop.
- Load balancing chains.

Client Applications
- 32- and 64-bit applications support.
- Windows Services and applications run by other users (configurable).
- Proxification is transparent for the client applications.
- Best-in-class compatibility with the third party software. Automated conflict-resolution logic.
- System DNS and DNS over proxy supported.
- Hybrid mode.
- Automatic DNS mode detection.
- DNS over Proxy is supported for all proxy protocols.
- DNS exclusion list with wildcards (e.g. *
Flexible Configuration
- Proxification rules can be based on application names, IP addresses, hostnames and port numbers.
- Each rule can be assigned to proxy, chain, block or direct connection.
- Rules are processed from top to bottom and can be reordered.
- Wildcards and masks are supported for applications, IP addresses and hostnames (e.g. *app.exe; 192.168.*.*; *
- Ranges are supported for IP addresses and port numbers (e.g.–; 80–1234).
- Live syntax check with highlighting.
- Individual rules can be enabled/disabled.
- Proxifier context menu (right-click on arbitrary .exe file) allows dynamic proxy selection for the application within a session.
Configuration Deployment and Management
- Configuration is stored in profile files (*.ppx).
- Human readable XML format.
- Unlimited length.
- Fast profile switching from a list.
- Profiles can be managed as files. Import and export is supported.
- Silent profile load with “Proxifier.exe profile-name.ppx silent-load” command.
- Profiles proxy passwords encryption with the current user login credentials or master password.
- Basic and AES 256-bit encryption supported.
- System-wide profile that is forcibly used for all users.
- User can enter login details interactively if login/password is blank in the profile.
- Proxifier can interactively ask login/password if authentication on proxy fails.
- Automatic profile update from a remote Web server. User’s proxy login details get preserved.
- An option to force profile passwords encryption via system registry.
- Fully compatible Proxifier profiles of Windows and Mac versions.
User Interface and Interaction
- Live information about connections including application name, target host, time/status, rule/proxy, received/sent bytes and more.
- Live traffic (bandwidth) graph.
- Live global statistics.
- Live output with 3 levels of verbosity.
- Color indication.
- System tray icon with traffic view.
- Adjustable UI that is persistent during restart (windows sizes, panes layout, etc).
Logs and Troubleshooting
- Detailed error messages.
- Log-file.
- Verbose mode for screen and log-file with a detailed output.
- Traffic dumps.
- Automatic self-check testing on each start.
- Automatic conflict detection logic.
- Custom crash reporter.

Системные требования:
- Windows (x86, x64, ARM) 7, 8, 10, 11
- Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019
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