Font Fitting Room Deluxe

Font Fitting Room - менеджер шрифтов с предварительным просмотром. Предназначен для установки и удаления шрифтов True Type font(*.ttf, *.ttc) и других возможностей других типов шрифтов. В том числе обработка шрифта для более душевного отображения на ЖК(LCD) мониторах.

Features Specific to Deluxe edition:
- Font Sets Management:This feature helps you mark a group of fonts from different places to be treated as a collection set that could be activated or deactivated freely. You can also select a font set for preview without activating it at all.
- Font Cache Database:Since database caches all the font properties, there is no need to re-parse each font when working on them, so we get the satisfied speed to preview a set created from a folder containing thousands of fonts. Previewing thousands of fonts in this way greatly saves you time and extends disks life-time.
- Search:You can search in whole database or current set, in simple text mode or advanced mode which provides more options including file size, creation date, weight or width class, number of kerning pairs, etc. The search results returned swiftly.
- Child-Parent hierarchy set structure provides a highly intuitive way to visually group fonts and supports inheritance.
- This feature enable you to create children sets under a parent set, sharing fonts in parent set, and managing fonts in a hierarchical way.
- However you are not required to build such nested sets if the plain flat sets structure is more suitable for you.
- Drag-and-drop is supported. You can drag-and-drop a set to move it around, or drag a folder from Explorer and drop in "Font Sets" tab/bar to create a new set.
- Shortcuts Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X and DEL are supported. You can copy font file/folder from Explorer or "Browse" tab/bar, then paste in "Font Sets" tab/bar to add font records or create a new set. Or, you can copy file records from set, and paste them to Explorer or "Browse" tab/bar to make a backup of those fonts in a new location. Cut/Paste is supported within the sets to help you move font records freely between sets.
- New/Open/Save operations are available for set management database file(s), so you are able to work in different place with the same font sets.
- Each font set has a "default font path", that is set to the folder of fonts when the font set is empty. The set path can be altered as font files moved around to another place, so as to avoid adding them once more.
ОС: 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Winddows 7
What's New in This Release:
- Addressed an issue of sample text edit-box, fixed .
- Deluxe version: Fixed a bug in database searching function.
- Deluxe version: Improved plug-in font auto-activator process.
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Bukkollaider 31/10/11 Просмотров: 3856