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Offline Explorer Enterprise 5.0 Build 2752 Final

MetaProducts Offline Explorer - оффлайн браузер, поддерживающий работу как с обычными Web сайтами, так и с FTP, защищенными (HTTPS) серверами, потоковыми видео/аудио приложениями (MMS, RTSP в профессиональной версии). Встроенные средства обеспечивают комфортную работу с закачанными узлами. Есть планировщик, экспорт, импорт, встроенный браузер и много дополнительных инструментов.Мощные средства настройки позволяют закачивать даже самые сложные сайты. Производится обработка скриптов, классов Java, Flash апплетов, PDF, ASX, RAM, XML/XSL, CSS, TOC, M3U, RPM, AAM файлов.

Main features include:
• Very fast, easy and reliable file retrieval from the Web including FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, MMS, RTSP and NSV (SHOUTcast) sites
• HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and User@Site Proxy support
• Download up to 500 files simultaneously
• Downloaded web sites may be viewed with your external browser or with our Internal Browser. (Note: this option requires MSIE 3.02 or higher.)
• Downloaded Web pages may be printed from the Internal Browser. It is also possible to print the whole site at once.
• Downloaded Web sites may be published on the Web or exported to any other directory
• Since Offline Explorer uses relative path translation, downloaded files can be easily relocated
• Supports Drag-and-Drop links from Browsers
• Monitors Clipboard for manual or automatic creation of new Projects
• Fully configurable user interface (including toolbar) with a handy New Project Wizard
• Will run in the background
• Provides support and extracts links from Java and VB Scripts, Java Classes, Cascading Style Sheets (.CSS), Macromedia Flash (.SFW), XML/XSL/DTD, Table Of Contents (.TOC), MPEG 3 Play List (.M3U), Authorware (.AAM) and Acrobat (.PDF) files
• The only offline browser that fully supports all known XML technologies, including XSL and DTD files
• Supports use of MS IE cookies while downloading
• Multiple Project Templates make new Project creation simple
• Downloaded sites easily exported to another location in required format or added to a ZIP, HTML Help (CHM) or MHT file
• Built-in Backup/Restore projects
• Search through downloaded files for keywords in filenames or in HTML text
• Multiple Projects selection allows fast operations on the Projects tree
• Internal Dialer with ability to disconnect or shutdown computer automatically when download is complete
• Flexible URL Filters with powerful keyword support to fine tune your downloads
• Download speed control
• Downloads can be scheduled, sequenced or started from the command line

Changes in Offline Explorer Enterprise 5.0 Build 2752:

* Improved switching to Ribbon from old menu
* Added {:refserver}, {:refdir} and {:reffilename} macros to URL Substitutes
* Added ability to open Project Properties from the Queue tab
* Added Copy URL to the Log context menu
* Added Internet ribbon section
* Improved long numbers display
* Improved processing encoded .js files
* Improved setting default download directory
* Added uninstall reason page
* Added Help button to the Ribbon
* Improved URL Filters sections display
* Improved filenames when backing up a Project
* Bug Fix: Fixed localization in dialog box header lines
* Bug Fix: Fixed toolbar when disabling Internal browser
* Bug Fix: Fixed different file download completion messages
* Bug Fix: Fixed translation of the Toolbar customization dialog
* Bug Fix: Fixed expanding the URLs field in the Properties dialog
* Bug Fix: Fixed Server/Domain state in the URL Filters - Servers


Скачать Offline Explorer Enterprise 5.0 Build 2752 Final (6,2 МБ):

Wincode 01/05/08 Просмотров: 3096