
The Foundry MODO 801.70287 + Assets & Samples

Luxology modo

MODO - инновационная программа для 3D-моделирования, рисования и рендеринга в единой рабочей среде. Скачай на cwer.ws приложение, особенностью которого является мощный, но при этом интуитивно понятный инструментарий для конструирования сложных геометрических форм методом подраздельных поверхностей. Интерфейс программы предлагает тонкую настройку практически всех рабочих элементов. Весьма востребованными будут предустановленные в нем навигационные стили, которые максимально приближают принципы взаимодействия с инструментами к методам, практикуемым в 3DS Max, Maya и других аналогичных решениях. Для удобства пользования все ключевые технологические переходы (рисование, анимация, рендеринг и т.д.) вынесены в отдельные модули.

Luxology modo 8

Основные возможности:

  • Полигональное и под раздельное моделирование поверхностей
  • Точное конструирование геометрии
  • Два вида инструментов построения модели: сеточные и основанные на графическом изображении
  • UV редактирование мирового уровня
  • Мощная и гибкая система рисования для 2D и 3D
  • Быстрый рендеринг
  • Примерный и полный рендеринг до деталей
  • Мощные функции анимации и построения моделей
Luxology modo 801.70287

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 и 8 (только 64-бит)

Что нового в этой версии:
  • Fixes potential crash when undoing after setting a viewport to use a duplicated camera.
  • Fixes bug with paint selection related to reference items.
  • Fixes crash with the Topo pen with fill mode and the inner snap option.
  • Fixes a problem where if an icon was set in the Form Editor to override a command's own icon, it would also override the icons of the alternate commands.
  • Fixes bug where boolean buttons in horizontal toolbars did not show labels.
  • Fixes symmetric polygon creation in edge selection mode.
  • Adds startup state option for Slip UV. The default is 'Off' to reset slip UV at tool set.
  • Removes duplicate menu entries for soft selection.
  • Fixes crash using 'render.slave' command in modo_cl.
  • Fixes temporal aliasing issue on index based image file formats.
  • Sets frame range on simulation to current range if unset.
  • Fixes changing custom viewport colors to apply to 3D viewports immediately.
  • Fixes background constraint to exclude new surface items created by item effector.
  • Sets GL controls on by default for the 3D Model view.
  • Fixes bug where replacing a missing audio reference didn't replace the clip name, only the path.
  • Fixes mesh copying for instances with deformation, addressing part of the problem with assembly instances.
  • Adds 'single' mode to the clone effector to hide the 'Replace Source' attribute for the mirror tool preset.
  • Improves 'edge.remove' command to merge polygons per connecting groups.
  • Adds embedded mesh preset browser on tool property form of item and replica effectors.
  • Removes auto action center from radial sweep and radial array presets.
  • Fixes bugs with instances of assemblies and sub-assemblies.
  • Fixes the case where the contour tool did not create lines when an edge was on the slice plane.
  • Only parent texture locators if they're not already parented to something else.
  • Adds an alternate input map event for key creation in the single line embedded Gradient Editor (control-alt-LMB, as in the Graph Editor).
  • Fixes edge hit testing in cage mode for non-cage polygons.
  • Deletes existing environment items before new ones from a preset get added to the scene.
  • Changes drag and drop onto a 3D viewport to load PSD files as an image.
  • Fixes bug where lens distortion was not properly accounting for non-zero film offsets. It is now calculated based on the center of the lens rather than the center of the frame.
  • Fixes bug where Boolean:Intersect could result in bad geometry.
  • Fixes axis slice to add a slice point to an unselected polygon next to a selected, sliced one.
  • Fixes bug where duplicated Matrix Channel Effects were not visible in the item list.
  • Enables the 'snap' argument to the Element Snap tool preset on the system menu.
  • Fixes bug where local, selection, and element action centers were no longer working on two-point polygons.
  • Fixes error applying changes when entering a custom FPS setting for the timeline with preserve key timing disabled.
  • Maintain timeline ranges if 'Preserve Key Timing' is off when changing the scene FPS.
  • Removes '(Yes)' and '(No)' from default visibility, render and lock channel hints.
  • Changes 'Rename User Channel' to 'Edit User Channel' which opens the form for editing user channels.
  • Fixes bug where integer channels would allow the same minimum and maximum values, if the numbers entered weren't floats.
  • Fixes bug with Transform tool rotation to negate the offset if the item is in a non-uniform, scaled hierarchy.
  • Fixes bug where booleans would fail and report an incorrect non-manifold mesh warning.
  • Channel Haul & Channel Sets UI: Do not draw rounded borders on the bottom row, if there are channels clipped by the view.
  • Channel Relationship UI: Reduces the minimum viewport sizes.
  • Fixes crash closing Preview window while a Preview animation render is in progress.
  • Fixes bug where moving the pivot after transforming a mesh in item mode would cause the mesh to move.
  • Fixes bug where the 'center.toPivot' command would move the mesh to the center of the world.
  • Fixes bug where the Child Compensation mode on transform tools did not work when transform items were missing.
  • Fixes item hit testing with occluded wireframe style surface items.
  • Updates the selection of animated channels whenever an item is selected. This change also requires that selection of animated channels belonging to group members is only performed for items that are currently selected.
  • Fixes bugs where F1 help was not available for channels in the Channel list and some tooltips were redundant.
  • Motion Paths: Adds support for editing keys with broken slopes and weights.
  • Fixes polygon orientation issue with the sweep effector in symmetry mode.
  • Mac: Increases the vertical hit area on the URLs in the About box to make them easier to find when the white border of the OS X mouse pointer blends into the white window background.
  • Fixes bug where new vertices where not positioned correctly when using English units.
  • Draws unselected photometric light without spotlight barn doors in GL, to aid in identification.
  • Fixes bug where mirroring a mesh with surface normals would produce the wrong result.
  • Constraints now handle zero weights, avoiding weight evaluation when there's a single input.
  • Gradient Editor: Only select gradient channels on the same type of item as most recently selected, drop channel selection if the most recently selected item has gradient channels. Needed now that mesh items have gradient channels.
  • Prevents recursive caching of proxy items from a proxy source file.
  • Updates default date for Physical Sun to be summer solstice 2014 and fixes clamping and daylight-savings time on the sun brightness calculation.
  • Improves fix for applying negative scale causing inverted rotations when dragging to adjust.
  • Fixes proxy item to draw mesh and static mesh as wireframe on wireframe style views.
  • Adds two new channel behaviors that do not change the slopes of the first and last keys. Renames the ones that do, to have '(Smooth)' in their name and reordered their positions in the popup menus. The old 'Stop' behavior is now renamed 'Constant' for consistency. While the issue could be worked around by changing Auto keys to manual it was not ideal and was obviously causing some confusion. Hopefully this will help, i.e. if the behavior has '(Smooth)' in its name then expect the slopes of keys to be adjusted and hence the animation may change. If it doesn't then the animation in the key range will not be affected.
  • FBX2013: Fixes bind pose computation.
  • Updates rotation in all morphs when freezing rotation and all transforms.
  • Removes Zero transforms when freezing 'all'.
  • Changes poly.convert command to select problematic polygons as an option instead of converting.
  • Fixes shader evaluation crash with nested shader folders.
  • Fixes bug when temporary render data cannot be saved, by no longer aborting the render and discarding the rendered image. A warning to user is still displayed.
  • Fixes modo_cl crash running the vertMap.applyMorph command.
  • Adds new config for adding Mac cmd key keyboard shortcuts for menu items that have control based on (menu name, menu item name) tuple. Look for AppleCommandKeyOverrides in modo config to see default mappings. Moves default cmd key mappings from hard coded code to reading config values.
  • Fixes proxy item to free unused independent cinema when the main cinema is closed.
  • Fixes bug where the gamma control was enabled for Physical Sky when it was unclamped.
  • Fixes UV snapping on transformed mesh items.
  • Shows North offset on “Physical Sun” light.
  • Fixes crash running a python script multiple times.
  • Adds control for 'Use Alpha' channel on stills and sequences. This channel has always existed but was never exposed. Fixes update problem with UV backdrops when changing alpha mode.
  • Fixes layerservice workplane queries.
  • Imposes length constraint on all fur tools that need it (in the context of vector displacement painting).
  • Adds support for the '*' argument when baking to render outputs.
  • Fixes bug where Compound Rigid Bodies ignored the parent's bounce values, even with negative glue values.
  • Fixes bug where the Item Effector Source Item could not be changed if the tool was active for Curve Instance or Replica tools.
  • Fixes Sketch Extrude to respect custom work planes.
  • Removes stray points after polygon bridge.
  • Appends '.A' to the end of single channel render outputs, so that they get treated as a layer in loaders. Tested in PS, AE and Nuke, all of which work correctly.
  • Truncates strings to 65k chars to save into string channels and item tags, preventing unreadable files from being saved.
  • Graph Editor: Sets default range for gradient channels to 0% - 100%.
  • Improves Channel Row custom drawing resolution, doubling drawing steps for color and alpha drawing.
  • Improves curve drawing in the Graph Editor to now sample every three pixels or so, to give a finer display. This is roughly twice as many samples as before based on the standard Graph Editor width.
  • Graph Editor: Due to the minimum AGL view zoom level, clamp horizontal range so it doesn’t go below this level.
  • Fixes case where selection conversion from edges to polygons was incorrect.
  • Mac: Fixes bug where small rotation increments would cause rotation flip with tablet input.
  • Fixes jiggling behavior when ctrl+dragging rotation handles.
  • Fixes incorrect drawing of labels-as-thumbnails in the Image Choice browser.
  • FBX2013: Fixes Mesh Smoothness setting, which was not working properly.
  • Defers 'license in use, enter slave mode?' dialog to open as part of user idle, fixing problems where the dialog would open while another dialog (like Check For Updates or Content Missing) was already open, thus making those dialogs inaccessible.
  • Fixes bug where the Curve, Bezier and Pen clone tools didn't generate a copy of the source at their start point.
  • FBX2013: Fixes bug where vertex colors were not loaded or saved correctly.
  • FBX2013: Fixes crash on models with no rotation item or scale transforms present.
  • Fixes bug where differences existed between Render and Preview for Motion Vector and Reflection Coefficient outputs.
  • Fixes bug where Preview could save uninitialized image data when rendering with a region.
  • Fixes bug where the Reflection Shading output differed between Preview and Render.
  • Fixes bug where some instance driven channels were not being saved in the scene file.
  • Fixes bug where Replicators did not display in OpenGL unless locators were also visible.
  • Windows: Fixes potential crash during simulation from decomposition of a concave shapes with bad geometry, when the collision type was set to Convex Decomposition. It will now fall back to creating a simple hull for those cases.
  • Fixes bug where UVs could not be edited after deleting a mesh, also leading to instability.
  • Fixes LPK handling on Linux, allowing drag and drop or opening of LPK files to load Share site assets or kits with LPK installers.
  • Provides Preview with the ability to save alpha in the image.
  • Key tangent handle editing fixes and enhancements.
  • Fixes spurious fractional times when evaluating RealFlow particle cache samples.
  • Windows: Fixes crash deleting a modifier key.
  • FBX2013: Fixes crash exporting a scene with a mesh containing only a single vertex.
  • Fixes crash deleting a form that existed in any tail categories.
  • Disabled multithreaded bloom to prevent artifacts.
  • Fixes bug where the 'Lock Preset Thumbnails' preference was not working.
  • Fixes bug where Mirror Vertex Map would not work correctly with an edge loop centered on an axis.
  • Fixes bug where image maps would reflect on incorrect polygons in GL when the viewport was set to Advanced OpenGL with the GL Background set to None.
  • Fixes parenting in environment presets, fixing issue with the SES 1 & 2 kits, where the control visibility script was not hiding control locators.
  • Adds a channel to particle simulation for cache memory. It just stops simulating after the last frame that exceeds the limit. It currently defaults to 3 GB, so it shouldn't be hit except in very large simulations.
  • Fixes bug with layer naming where any final color, alpha or depth output that didn't have a user specified name would be named 'R, G, B', 'A', or 'Z', respectively. The EXR saver would then append a number at the end for any duplicates. When rendering an animation that turned these Render Outputs on/off, the channel names would differ between frames. We now only name the *first* alpha/final/depth to be the standard names, leaving the others as their synthetic names (like the other output types). This makes sure the names are consistent.
  • Turns off 'Auto Add' for Render Passes by default, per user requests.
  • Fixes bug where textures on models from Lightwave were corrupted when loaded into MODO, saved, and then reloaded in Lightwave.
  • Added 'select' argument to layer.unmerge command for selecting new mesh items.
  • Adds tooltips to channels of the proxy item.
  • Fixes bug where "Merge Meshes' did not take vertex normals into account.
  • Customizes the Sculpt HUD for hair tools.
  • Enables deformers in the Render layout GL viewport, by default.
  • Fixes bug where some commands, which shouldn't have been, were available from slave mode and could potentially crash MODO.
  • Fixes bug where moving channel locations was corrupting preset channel names and scrambling values.
  • Fixes bug where dropping/reactivating transform tools was resetting the element action center axis.
  • Lowers default GL texture resolution to 2048x2048.
  • Includes weights for empty vertex map slots when normalizing smooth vertex map values, fixing smoothing blow outs over unmapped vertices.
  • FBX2013: Improves material-polytag exporting for 'Default' materials.
  • Fixes bug with output pattern matching, where characters between tokens were being ignored.
  • Fixes potential crash if a backdrop image is selected via popup.
  • FBX2013: Removes error messages generated when missing textures are intentionally skipped on load.
  • Avoids renaming the license file when installing from disk, preventing corrupt or incorrect licenses from being installed which prevented later installation of the correct license through the MODO licensing dialog. Enables overwriting of existing license files, allowing evaluation users to upgrade to permanent licenses through the in-app license dialog. Corrupted license files now have their '.lic' extension changed to '.corrupted' to aid support in tracking down issues.
  • SDK: Adds batch create and copy methods to ILxScene. This is the only way to copy items between scenes.
  • Fixes bug where replicated replicators weren't drawing correctly in GL.
  • Adds a render item channel to specify the “Maximum Radiance” of a ray in order to suppress fireflies. If the channel value is nonzero then each color component of every ray will be clamped to the specified value.
  • Fixes bug where the unpremultiply color option only worked on the Final Color output.
  • Linux/Mac: Fixes potential crash in the Command History when showing selected items with the transform tool active.
  • Fixes incorrect offset on UV maps in Preview/Render with tiling values above 1.0.
  • Linux: Fixes potential crash when selecting sub-tabs.
  • Fixes heap and config corruption caused by duplicating the Setup tab.
  • Channel List: Maintains the scroll position when changing tabs, etc.
  • Fixes bug where the Matrix Blend modifier did not always work after reloading a scene.
  • Changes Tack tool and Mesh Paint (Slide and Drop modes) to respect the snapped position in snapping mode.
  • Spline Deformer: Track areas along spline where base and deformed tangents become anti-parallel and cause a twist in the transformation matrix as the rotation axis becomes undefined, then flips when the quaternion picks the short way around. Store the cross product of the tangents at the start and end of the trouble zones, and interpolate between them to find a stable axis to use to create the transformation. Adds a threshold channel to set the range about the twists that will have its axis stabilized, and an enable channel to turn the whole thing off.
  • Adds progress dialog for saving a render as PSD.
  • Fixes bug where the Vertex Normal Constraint was not respecting deforming geometry.
  • FBX2013: Fixes bug exporting selection sets.
  • Instance Array: Fixes bug where the transforms would get mixed up when instancing stretched or rotated objects.
  • Clone Effector: Fixes vertex merging to duplicated meshes in the Replica function.
  • Item Selection: Fixes slowdown where selecting a large number of items in the Item list was very slow if a transform tool was active.
  • Animation: Fixes potential crash with Auto Key set to All, when animating a position or rotation channel.
  • FBX2013: Fixes potential crash loading FBX files with skin layers that aren't attached to geometry.
  • Psubs: Fixes bug where changing the Catmull Clark subdivision level when not in Psub mode would cause geometry to disappear.
  • File I/O: Fixes bug where "Save As" incorrectly allowed formats that MODO can't load (such as .PLT). Those formats can still be saved using "Export as..." which doesn't change the current scene's file format.
  • GL: Fixes increasing displacement caused by toggling Diffuse Color image maps.
  • Preferences: Fixes crash viewing preferences after changing one and then exporting a config.
  • Linux: Channel Modifiers: Fixes bug where the Random Channel Modifier was returning incorrect results in simulations.
  • Modifiers: Fixes bug where the Measure Speed Modifier was showing incorrect text in GL.
  • Proxies: Fixes memory leaks with proxy use.
  • Topo pen: Fixes potential crash with Topo pen splitting along existing edges.
  • Assemblies: Fixes bug where item shaders were not being saved in the assembly, unless explicitly selected.
  • Fixes bug where Proxies wouldn't always render.
  • Alembic: Linux: Fixes bug where exports did not have valid scene bounds set.
  • Rendering: Fixes performance issues with rendering orthographic cameras.


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Bukkollaider 28/04/14 Просмотров: 5229
Lamst 28 апреля 2014, 21:54:58

Добрый Cwer,спасибо за подарок!